1.British Solomon Islands Jesus Christ Superstar Andrew Loyd Weber .Jesus Christ Superstar- song about Mary Magdalene.
2.The Palace of Westminster UK in The Crypt Chapel of at my daughters wedding.1 Corinthians:132 Mar1984 Westminster Palace 1 Corinthians 13Prayer warriors
These two ladies were praying for me...Tessa & Ann
3. Hong Kong St Stephen’s Society Jackie Pullingers anointed church.Every visit the Holy Spirit was there in power.Holy Spirit Anointing my Fingers they were lit like candles & I spoke in tongues.I had no idea what it was all about.The birds Hilton hotel brakfast with the dean.
Primal Scream.During a service I fell on the floor and started screaming in terrible fear.I was back in my mothers womb.A terrible Fear came over me as i realized i was being born and no way did I want to born.I was illigitemat and my mothers guilt and fear had got into me.The helpers explained as i had my eyes shut tight that Jesus loved me and was waiting to welcome me.
The Bird Cage In 1990 in Hong kong at a special private Lunch in the Mandarin Hotel after being offered five million a year to be the next Chanel for Liebermann’s where I had said no thank you. I was asked to explain why I had said no to a room full of Hong Kong elite movers and shakers.I quickly asked the Holy Spirit help! The words just poured out ”I was like a bird in a cage and Jesus has opened the door I am flying free and I will not go back in that cage for all the tea in China”.Several men quietly spoke of their battles to me.”All I keep being offered is more and more money but all I want is to be free, we understand Jenny”
Casting out of my many Demons over 5 years.Lust of the eye.1 The casting out the lust for my Aunt Dorothys chinese vases and silk textilesLust of the Flesh– That entered when i wore her dress after her death in her Bury St Edmunds house.
Those who came to cast them out were three who had fasted with Norma at YWAM in Hong Kong.
Power of Life.The Ashtons taught a 3 day course of counselling with the Holy Spirit Dreams and ActionsThe mixed wine of 12th Dragon of the 12th year in Hong Kong
At my home in 66 Robinson Road.Over 10 days I had visions and many affirming Bible passages of a spiritual battle to take place in St John’s Cathedral. On the day many friends accompanied me,Mike and Debbie Wade teachers of The Way, Wendy Mullins my prayer partner.Plus many of their friends and ladies from the Cathedrals weekly Bible study. It was to be the first Mandarin Communion by our Hong Kong Bishop.
In the vision I was shown to be the last to drink the cup of the mixed wine in .
Death or Eternal Life.Hong Kong All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.Confessing our sins is essential for Jesus Blood to cover us to enter into Heaven.At a silent retreat I asked Jesus ”do I need to repent of my sins”.?Then the vision came I was Sinking in excitement up to my mouth and knew i would soon be drowned. Jesus was by a stream with trees behind him calling to me ”Come”.He the explained confess your sins then my sacrifice of my blood will cover you.Choose Eternal life do not choose death. Where are The Beds Medieval Badmondisfield Hall Grand House its filled with people,there are many rooms I am walking round the rooms nobody seems to see me all just focussed on each other.I enter the largest room,on the floor I see is a man very skinny & very ill dressed in white .I bend down and pick him up calling out where are the beds.His wounds are bleeding & pour on me. His hand touches my face and he says Lady Corinthian you give my love.I Awake and call out where are the beds? I get the beds ready I tell my prayer partner Wendy Mullins we need to get the beds ready.She tells her life time friend Chantel Miller who at that time was one of the richest women in the world.She says she will help.
But later Jesus teaches me ..We are the beds carrying Jesus in our bodies to pour out his living waterThe Corrupt Rev The Dream after a ten day Daniel Fast
Waking from the dream in 1989 I telephoned Rev Robert Osterman in Jordangate Macclesfield and told him the full details of the dream..His reply was ”I am the risen Easter man.In the dream”. In the dream Robert had died.His body was lying in State on the top of a hill.Jackie Pullinger was standing at his side I at his other side watching.A very large stream of women winding down the hill were queuing up to pass his coffin.A word came in the dream He will be dead in six months.He was. Susan Shelly rang me to tell me.
Rev Robert Osterman had preached at women’s groups & Women’s Aglow in Hong Kong Sweden & America.He preached he had no home and had obtained many from his listeners.Including mine It had been agreed it would be a healing center but Robert just wanted all my textiles and antiques and the house to sell.
The Black Tunnel A Dream of my task to lead a great many people through a rough landscape to a frightening black long tunnel.The relief in the dream was when I ran ahead to check it all out first. I discovered when I came into the light it was like a medieval fair. But far kinder more like some of the way we had lived in The Solomon Islands it was called one talk you hungry come eat my fish next time i eat your bread,and for me I make you a dress then you can cut my hair.